John Shaw – Founder with the Deputy Mayoress (Paula Burdess), also present Mr & Mrs Healy supporters of BMS/BMA.

Karen Hullah – Manageress & Event co-ordinator.

Ray Jones/Rick Lunt photos.



Tickets available from the 5th October from school reception or on our website, via Paypal.

If you can’t attend, why not support the school with a small donation.

We look forward to seeing you all very soon!




Date:   As posted

To Whom it May Concern


Let me introduce myself. My name is John Shaw, and I am the founder of a local Community Interest Company known as Blackpool Music Academy (BMA). BMA was established in 2006 to work in conjunction with our sister charity to help those who are less fortunate than others within the district of Blackpool to offer them life chances they would otherwise not have the opportunity to access and improve overall mental and physical health and well-being.

We successfully applied to the National Lottery for funding to help us provide a socially distanced programme of entertainment. This showcases the work of our students, lets them collaborate with professional entertainers and allows the most vulnerable in our community to have access to their work, improve their mental and physical good health and bring communities together. With this in mind, we are approaching local care homes, hospitals, sheltered accommodation, local charities, and churches to offer them the chance to be involved. As such, we want to give you the opportunity to become involved.

Those who have already taken up this unique offer have seen great benefits for their residents. This has included reports of improved mental and physical good health, reduced feelings of social isolation and improvement of overall conditions of life for those who were unfortunately most adversely affected by the recent pandemic. As a bonus we are providing the sessions using Zoom so that those who take part are still protected by socially distanced performances.

 As an initial welcome we would like to offer you the chance of two months free entertainment, which includes 2 sessions staged each month at two weekly intervals on Thursdays at 1400 hours to 1500 hours. You will be provided a wide angle camara and an open microphone this allows BMA to interact with the entertainer to speak to the residents and staff allowing other homes to be involved and come together as one unit to hear and see as the show progresses. Making it fun using zoom. The number of homes to be included would be five to six at once who would receive the program. Also, any difficulty in setting the program up we can assist with our technical support we have enlisted at our cost subject to funding been available.

We have regular rotation of professional performing artists.  Many of these have regular residencies in Blackpool and perform to large audiences on a regular basis.  These acts will cover a wide variety of music styles and the show is a professional production.  The performers will be on a rota system so the same show is not seen week to week.

After your 2-months initial period, we would ask you to sign up to more sessions. To continue we would ask you to contribute £55 to purchase the camera and microphone required for optimal quality of the performance plus £25 per performance, paid monthly in advance. This funding allows us to extend the programme to a wider geographical area keeps the overall costs down and benefits more and more individuals, including those who are living in complete isolation. We wish to bring several care homes and others together to have some fun, have a singalong and provide variety in an often-mundane world.

If you wish for your residents not to be seen by other people, you can either disconnect the camera or turn it away from the audience and you will still be able to hear and see the live show. Please note that the microphone will also be muted at times while the show is ongoing.

To achieve the best picture and sound quality a good and steady internet connection is needed.  The show will be streamed live and direct to you.  We do not use pre-record shows, as this stops the performer interacting with the audience.

The Blackpool Music Academy do not record any audio or visuals of any performance so the privacy of your residents will be respected.

You can request to view a sample of the entertainment that we stream, we can send you our taster session link. The taster viewings are normally on Thursday afternoon.

Please send an email to confirm you will be joining us and who you are etc.

We will contact you for feedback, after the taster session to answer any questions, you may have.

Yours faithfully,

John Shaw




























































We would like to thank the Local Connections Fund for their kind donation of £1,673,40, to Blackpool Music Academy this will unable them to update some of their equipment and instruments.


BMS would like to sincerely thank the Swallowdale Children’sTrust for their £2,000.00 donation.  These funds will enable us to continue running the Rock Star Project for teenagers.



This project was started last October but due to Covid-19, lockdown and restriction, never really got off the ground.  We are looking for more students, no experience necessary.



(may benefit those with breathing difficulties)




Blackpool Music School has been awarded funding to help people with breathing difficulties i.e. asthma.


We are looking for 4 adults and 4 younger persons, to take part in trials that BMS will be running. We are hoping to prove that with regular use of a wind instrument, this can assist with controlled breathing.


If you think you could benefit from this programme, and you are a diagnosed asthmatic, we would like to hear from you.  We will show you how to control your breathing, which may help reduce your asthma attacks in the future.


You will be loaned an electronic sax, whilst participating in the trials, along with a tablet, to use alongside the instrument. The course is ‘free’ but there is a small charge for the loan of the instruments of £24.00 per calendar month for insurance cover.


This is a 12-month programme, with sessions being 1hour per week. (day and time to be confirmed).  Programme due to start at the end of May 2021.


For more information, please call John Shaw, chairman on 07887 873309 or 01253 695398 email:, places are limited, so please contact us, as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.



We look forward to hearing for you!



Reg Charity No. 1120716

The school and shop will be re-opening on Saturday the 17th of April 2021.

The delayed return is due to work being carried out at the school.

All members have been sent either an email or letter to explain what’s happening.

We are looking foward to seeing all our members after the Easter break.



(to help those with breathing difficulties)


Blackpool Music School has been awarded funding to help people with breathing difficulties i.e. asthma.


We are looking for 4 adults and 4 younger persons, to take part in trials that BMS will be running. We are hoping to prove that with regular use of a wind instrument, this can assist with controlled breathing.


If you think you could benefit from this programme, and you are a diagnosed asthmatic, we would like to hear from you.  We will show you how to control your breathing, which may help reduce your asthma attacks in the future.


You will be loaned an electronic sax, whilst participating in the trials, along with a tablet, to use alongside the instrument. The course is ‘free’ but there is a small charge for the loan of the instruments of £24.00 per calendar month for insurance cover.


This is a 12-month programme, with sessions being 1hour per week. (Day and time to be confirmed).  Programme due to start shortly.


For more information, please call John Shaw, chairman on 07887 873309 or email:, places are limited, so please contact us, as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.


We look forward to hearing for you!




We would like to express our sincere thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund for supporting our two new projects.

Breathe Easy, which is a new twelve-month project starting in May, with funding provided of £9,934.00

This project is to help people with breathing difficulties i.e. asthma, by using an electronic saxophone to assist them with controlled breathing.

Ray of Sunshine, which is a new twelve-month project starting after the Easter break, with the funding provided of £9,652.00.

This project is aimed at providing entertainment (on-line) to care homes and those who are isolated.  Providing interaction between residents and entertainers.

We are now able to set up and purchase instruments/equipment needed to start these projects.

Thank you.