Blackpool Music School

420 Waterloo Road



Tel: 01253 695398



24th June 2020



Dear Members,




Further to our recent meeting with trustees on the 22nd of June, a decision has been made to re-open the school and shop.  This will be a phased return and monitored very closely by management.


We intend to introduce students from Monday the 6th of July, to the close of day on Friday the 24th July, which means students will receive one-weeks extra tuition, free of charge.  If all goes well, we will be back to school as usual on the 1st August 2020. This is of course subject to the continuing decline of the Covid-19 virus.


All in house youth projects are on hold at this present time, but we hope to re-start them in August.


Hand sanitiser dispensers are in place, at all entrances and must be used on entering the school, before student’s touch anything.  Social distancing restrictions apply and face masks will be available for a small donation, to cover our costs (£1.20).  If a student has any Covid-19 symptoms or is unwell, we would not expect them to attend their lesson but would endeavour to make up the time at a later date.


If you have any reservations about returning to the school premises, please be assured the health and safety of our students and staff, is our number one priority.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours truly,

Mr John Shaw
